Upload Dogs Individually

Youtube video

  1. Click on your profile image on the top right of the screen and a drop down menu will appear
  2. Select Dogs
  3. Click the Add Dog button
  4. Add a profile picture for the dog by clicking the grey placeholder image, the choose file icon, and selecting an image from your computer.
  5. To add additional images, click the blue plus icon under the profile picture. NOTE: If you are on your phone you can take a picture direct from your phone and use that.
  6. Fill in the Dog's Name
  7. Fill in the Dog's Age. NOTE: The age must be a number only. Do not include "years" or "months".
  8. Select the Dog's Gender from the drop down list.
  9. Fill in the Breed by beginning to type the breed and choosing the breed from the drop down list that appears.
  10. Select the Size of your dog from the drop down list
  11. Enter a brief description of the dog.
  12. Double check to ensure all fields have been filled in and that there are only numerical values in the age field.
  13. Click Save
  14. The dog is now on Walkzee!
If you have any questions, please contact support@walkzee.com.

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