
We aren't receiving our confirmation email to activate our account

Providng for Paws 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 4
Providing for Paws signed up for Walkzee and when we try to login, it keeps displaying a message that we haven't confirmed our account. We have no email to confirm it with.
Your account is now active

I am having issues getting in touch with Providing for Paws. I was finally accepted and when I went to meet them I could not find their location and made at least 2 calls leaving messages, sent at least 2 emails and never heard back. I just want to help shelter dogs!!! Are they still a part of your group?


Cathy Rowe

Hi Catherine,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the miscommunication with Providing for Paws. I will personally reach out to them tomorrow morning to see what happened and hopefully get you set up with a confirmed walk time and a direct line to the person responsible for managing the Walkzee walks. This is a new process/system for many of the shelters/rescues that we are partnering with so we are working to smooth out the bumps. Thank you for your patience and I'll keep you updated once I have spoken with them. Again, my apologies for the inconvenience. I'll be in touch soon.

Hi Michael,

We are not receiving these messages from Walkzee unless we log on to your site. We didn't see these messages yesterday or we would have responded. I hope we can find a way to make this work. We did message Catherine the location, but because Walkzee does not provide a way to contact the walkers EXCEPT through your website, it is making it very difficult to communicate. It would be much more beneficial to us if you could provide a contact phone number and email address. Our walkers must be trained and go through our new volunteer orientation and without having a way to contact people, we are having problems setting that up.