Set Hours and Add Shelter Rules

Adding shelter rules is a very important part of creating your profile on Walkzee. It allows potential walkers to see what requirements there are before they book the walk and ensures that every walk request you receive is for a time and date that works for your shelter.

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Setting Your Hours

  1. Select Shelter Rules from the menu on the left or from the drop down on the top of the screen
  2. Click the Add Rules button
  3. Choose the days of the week that you will accept walkers by checking the box to the left of the day. NOTE: This limits the days available on yours dogs profile automatically so people can only book the days you choose.
  4. Choose the times you will allow people to walk your dogs by clicking the clock icon, selecting the hour and then minute of your opening and closing times. NOTE: Our site currently supports a single consistent time window throughout the course of a week.

Adding Rules

  1. Click into the first rule text box and type your first rule. NOTE: Rules are limited to 255 characters so please be brief. Rules will be displayed in your shelter profile and each dog's profile.
  2. To add additional rules, click the add new rule button
  3. Click Save. Your rules are now visible to potential walkers.
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